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اسمتھ-کوہلی جھگڑے کی اصل وجہ؟ ہردیک پانڈے

From the Blog cricnama"وہ آیا، اس نے دیکھا اور فتح کرلیا" یہ محاورہ کرکٹ میں جن چند کھلاڑیوں پر صادق آتا ہے، ان میں سے ایک بھارت کے ویراٹ کوہلی ہیں۔ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ میں قدم رکھتے ہی انہوں نے شائقین کرکٹ کو اپنی بلے بازی کا گرویدہ بنا رکھا ہے۔ لیکن کوہلی کے مزاج میں زبردست تضادpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Why Ch Nisar Fights With Everyone?

From the Blog pkhope Nisar never forgets and never forgives. If you have stepped without his will or even has hinted at something with which he doesn't agree, you should then watch your back as he will get back to you for that with vengeance. From his constituency of Wah, Taxila, and Chakri you can ask anybody and they would tell you that Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan doesn't tolerate dissenting voices and nobody dares to contradict or criticize him. If anybody does that, they leave the party or sometimes the area. Chaudhry Nisar's fightings and skirmishes within cabinet and party are not new. He is the core reason why many PMLN stalwart left the party. Heck, he is the reason why PML became PMLN. The biggest and most respected name which comes to the fore of the people who left he party is of Javed Hashpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1440373322209126773 Pakistani Blog Posts


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