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"دھیما" آفریدی اور برق رفتار مصباح

From the Blog cricnamaکرکٹ میں ہر بلے باز کا ایک خاص انداز اور کھیلنے کا طریقہ ہوتا ہے۔ کوئی سست روی سے نہیں کھیل سکتا تو کسی کے لیے تیز بلے بازی مشکل ہی نہیں، ناممکن ہوتی ہے لیکن چند کھلاڑی ایسے باکمال ہوتے ہیں کہ مشکل صورت حال میں اپنے فطری انداز سے ہٹ کر ایسا کھیلpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

MobiCash Gets GSMA Awards Nomination for Facilitation of Humanitarian Aid

From the Blog propakistani Mobicash, a joint venture of Mobilink and Waseela Microfinance Bank has been nominated for the esteemed GSMA's Global Mobile Awards 2016. Mobicash's 'Funds Disbursement for Humanitarian Aid' is selected in the category of 'Mobile in Emergency or Humanitarian Situations'. Launched in 2012, Mobicash has become the fastest growing MFS provider in the country with more than... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Ch Nisar Vs Reham Malik

From the Blog pkhope Interior ministry in Pakistan is not a piece of cake during any time. And especially in these very tough and bloody times when Pakistan is at war internally at many fronts, right interior minister is probably the most important person to have for this country. Unfortunately, after Rehman Malik we have got Chaudhry Nisar. It's like from bad to worse. Like Nisar, Rehman Malik was also inept, clueless, claims-maker, liar, and incompetent but at least Rehman Malik was available all the time and he made a point to show his presence at the scenes, in public, in media and in the parliament. It seems as if only one person knows how effectively the National Action Plan (NAP) has been implemented while the entire media, intellectuals and parliamentarians are ignorant. Chaudhry Nisar conpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4934729136254985908 Pakistani Blog Posts


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