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Bacha Khan, Faqir of Ipi and the Afghanistan angle

From the Blog pakteahouse By Yasser Latif Hamdani *(Author’s note: This article is my personal opinion based on my own research. It does not, necessarily, reflect the point of view of PTH or its editors as a group.)* Since the cowardly attack on Bacha Khan University in Charsadda, which we all must condemn as nothing less than attack on Pakistan and its future, a number of self styled progressives have been singing paeans of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, or as he is more popularly known Bacha Khan, as a secular and non-violent activist who has been forsaken by the wretched state. That the state has downplayed Bacha Khan and his legacy is not disputed, though there is an international airport named after him and the university named after him is also a government university. Countless roads and buildings expakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 102123144041158687 Pakistani Blog Posts


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