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A Love Letter to The X-Files

From the Blog iamzeeshan *(This post contains spoilers.)* *Dedicated to Karishma, My X-Phile Buddy.* The revival of the legendary series *The X-Files* is almost here. It's quite unimaginable the manner in which the series is returning. I, along with other 'X-Philes', had been wishing for a third X-Files film, and then something unbelievable happens. We find out that the series itself will be returning in the form of a limited revival season, consisting of six episodes. How bloody, fucking amazing was that?! (Oh, and Twin Peaks is coming back as well. Samurai Jack too!! Hallelujah!) While I had known about The X-Files for a long time, but it was only in 2010, or perhaps a bit earlier than that, that I started watching the series in the proper order. From the moment when Special Agent Dana Scully metpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7462443946280319116 Pakistani Blog Posts


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