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Timeless Style and Effortless Femininity

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Lahore School Entrepreneurial and Business Society held a workshop on 21st January 2016 to "Highlight the achievements of Entrepreneurial and business Society over the past one year." The patron (Prof F.A Fareedy) of the society along with the president (Hamza Tariq) made a presentation to engage the student body and discussed the major events of the society including Innovation Challenge and Entrepreneurs Exhibition. Erum Khan (Fashion Designer and Entrepreneur) visited the campus and delivered an interesting talk especially for the future women entrepreneurs of Lahore School. Erum Khan promotes exquisite tailoring skills combined with a street avant-garde. Her label Erum Khan (EK) is “timeless style and effortless femininity”, which have distinguished the brand in fashion inpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9052634141031460405 Pakistani Blog Posts


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