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Adult Female Literacy Programme and Communications Omar Manzur

From the Blog newsVillage Education Support Committees: Our project has changed the lives of more than 10,000 women across the country, a press release quoted Mobilink Head of Corporate Communications Omar Manzur as saying, according to Express Tribune. He added they use mobiles as a tool for education; It helps them reach areas without any formal schooling system. The initiative titled, ‘SMS-based Adultpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

‘Blood on the streets’

From the Blog beenasarwar[image: Student mtg 1951 or 52] M. Sarwar addressing a meeting in Karachi, early 1950s, Khaliqdina Hall. Seated left: Rehman Ali Hashmi. *Looking back to look forward: The DSF-led movement of the 1950s eschewed party politics, was inclusive, and focused on student unity. Besides students from medical, engineering and and law colleges, it involved students from girls’ and boys’ high schools, and women’s colleges. * *Below, an extract from my forthcoming memoir on the struggle for democratic spaces in Pakistan. This is from the chapter about the student movement of 1953 that shook the country and laid the foundations for the University of Karachi, published in The Friday Times, Jan. 8, 2016. Thanks to Raza Rumi for pushing me to share this* *By Beena Sarwar* “This man is my gurupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4554799009377460066 Pakistani Blog Posts


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