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The myth of sex objects

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Ali Bhurgri* [image: Women6] Societies metamorphose with time. From the Paleolithic period to the current century. We keep adapting different ways to live in this world. Our attires, our way of eating. Everything vicissitudes with time. However, there has been one constant, in the shape of male chauvinism. It’s popularity differs from society to society but it’s existence is firm. Some people base this ideology of man superiority on theology and some attribute to their physical aptitude. The question then arises is, Why is there this obsession with sadism ? When I say a woman, I hear all kind of different voices from society. But The one which i hear the loudest is a dogmatic view of a sex object. Read More: Muslims, Islam and terrorism Women are seen, as fulfilling the ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2054816626323719685 Pakistani Blog Posts


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