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Goals For 2016

From the Blog noorsplaceThis past week was a whirlwind of family events, gatherings and lots of laughter shared with the people I adore the most. Many are yet to come before the year ends (how dramatic it is to remind myself that this year is finally ending. Eeep!). I hadn't set my goals for upcoming 2016 so far, so here we go! [image: Goals for 2016] I want to set some realistic (see also: grown up) goals as it will be my last year as a teenager. I will turn 19 in August '16 and college will end before that. It all calls for a more serious outlook on life. I am sure I am going to be that super dramatic almost-grown-up who's extra worried about her future, but I can't completely ignore it either. End of the rant. Each year, I select a word for my year that will keep reminding me to do better. I am choopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 362396045283182118 Pakistani Blog Posts


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