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Lenovo Launches VIBE P1m in Pakistan

From the Blog telecompk Lenovo, the largest PC Company in the world, has released its latest addition to their already gargantuan mobile portfolio with the anticipated launch of the Lenovo VIBE P1m in Pakistan. The Lenovo VIBE P1m Smartphone is a premium piece of innovation and technology that is set to hail for its customers, an affordable, yet big-battery alternative to its counterparts available in the market today. The specs of the new Smartphone are leagues ahead when compared with both, within Lenovo’s current roster of electronics and their competitors. *# Massive battery matched by innovative power-related functions* One of the highest capacities for its class – *4,000mAh* for the 5” P1m. - *Physical power saver switch* instantly extends battery life by powering down, while providinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6557127883302507461 Pakistani Blog Posts


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