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Zardari Plays Sindh Card on Benazir Anniversary

From the Blog pkhope Best day to evoke Sindhi nationalism is Benazir Bhutto’s death anniversary on 27th December. To be honest, she herself didn’t do a thing for interior Sindh or Sindhis in general as they are still living in same dismal and godforsaken conditions. But then nobody ever did anything for them. So why not support their own bad leaders than? Bhutto clan had thrived for decades exploiting the Sindhi nationalism. They would get votes from Punjab and other provinces too but when feel threatened, they would start flailing Sindh card. Benazir Bhutto used that card with dexterity. Whenever her inept and corrupt governments were dismissed on corruption charges (mainly root cause was her husband Zardari), she would start raising hue and cry that Punjab establishment threw a Sindhi out. She wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

5 Most Bizarre Place You Could Eat At

From the Blog cheflingtales For a person like me, the only way to lighten up the day would be to eat a fancy dinner at a fancy place. But a change in your environment every now and then doesn’t hurt, does it? It is rather essential for foodies to try every restaurant they come across to enhance their taste buds. Anyway, here is a list of the weirdest eateries in the world that you ought to put up in you bucket list: *Ninja new york- New york city* [image: Weirdest-Restaurants-Ninja-New-York]Servers in black ninja costume greet you at the entrance and bow every time they see you. It is designed like a 15th century Japanese village dark nook and scary passage ways everywhere.Throughout your dinner, you will see warriors jump and perform tricks around you. I think this is the perfect place for the ones who pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3712895999596083915 Pakistani Blog Posts


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