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کرکٹ کے حیران کردینے والے ریکارڈز

From the Blog cricnamaکرکٹ میں اعداد و شمار جس تیزی سے تبدیل ہوتے ہیں، شاید ہی دنیا کے کسی دوسرے کھیل میں ہوتے ہوں۔ مشہور ترین کھیل فٹ بال میں تو اسکور بورڈ پر ہونے والی تبدیلیاں انگلیوں پر گنی جا سکتی ہیں لیکن کرکٹ میں صرف ایک گیند پر ہی اتنے اعداد تبدیل ہوجاتے ہیں کہ انگلیاںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

PTCL Offers its Charji EVO Tab with Lifetime of Free Internet

From the Blog propakistani To celebrate Qaid-e-Azam day, PTCL today announced that it is offering its CharJi EVO Tab with lifetime of free internet, said a Facebook update posted by the company. CharJi EVO tab — priced at Rs. 25,000 — is a 7-inch tablet with HD display on a 1280×720 pixel resolution and it runs on Android 4.4 Kitkat. CharJi EVO Tab is powered... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Nawaz Modi Personal Touch – New Hope for Region

From the Blog pkhope That's like neighbors, typical neighbors in sub-continent. We in India and Pakistan don't call weeks before to take an appointment from our neighbors to visit like the Western world, where such visits between friends, relatives, neighbors are well planned, well-appointed and well ahead of time. We meet and greet at drop of hat. That's what happened between India and Pakistan when PM Modi of India called from Afghan capital Kabul to PM Nawaz and expressed his desire to visit Pakistan on his way back home to Dehli. It's out of question and unthinkable for any sub-continent host to even thinking about saying 'No' or become hesitant. Modi's desire was received with warmth and welcoming gestures and preparations were started. PM Nawaz is a family man and was busy in the wedding of pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3267594436404695315 Pakistani Blog Posts


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