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In Pakistan not only laws are made to discriminate against its citizens but laws are also applied discriminately

From the Blog pakteahouse By Shehla Ahmad [image: Qadiani] On November 20th, on the false and ungrounded plea of Blasphemy of the Holy Quran, a factory in Jhelum which was owned by an Ahmadi Muslim was burnt, while Police was present on the scene. Thank God no one was hurt although the mob which set the factory on fire appeared to have obnoxious plan to burn alive those Ahmadi Muslims who were residing in the premises of factory along with their families. Army was called in the city to control the situation. Next day a similar mob goes to an Ahmadiyya Muslim mosque in the area and attempts to burn it too. The mob then washes the mosque to “purify it” and thus claims they have converted it from an “Ahmadiyya Muslim mosque” to a “Muslim mosque”. It’s very shocking for me how casually the whole matter has pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 813044697163395896 Pakistani Blog Posts


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