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آل راؤنڈ آفریدی بھی کافی ثابت نہ ہوئے، ٹی ٹوئنٹی سیریز بھی انگلستان جیت گیا

From the Blog cricnamaایک عرصے کے بعد شاہد آفریدی کو مکمل آل راؤنڈ کارکردگی پیش کرتے ہوئے دیکھا، لیکن پاکستان محدود اوورز کی کرکٹ میں فتح کو نہ منا سکا۔ پورا دم لگا دیا لیکن صرف تین رنز سے ہار گئے۔ انتہائی سنسنی خیز و اعصاب شکن معرکے کا دبئی میں تعطیل کے دن ہزاروں تماشائیوں نے بھرپورpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Ali Zafar Once Again Win The Hearts Of Billions

From the Blog mastitime247Pakistan's singing sensation Ali Zafar is once again out to win hearts and minds of millions of his fans across Punjab. Ali started a tour of Punjab on Nov 10 with a concert in Sialkot and has since performed in Gujranwala and Sargodha also.Through the tour, the international star wants to project that he does not only appeal to masses in major cities such as Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad only but anyone who loves music, loves Ali Zafar.In his latest concert in Sargodha at a private college, Ali rekindled the patriotic spirit among the audience. He started waving a huge national flag and sang his tune Aasman to pump up patriotism in the crowd, which was followed by Ali's personal favourite national song, Dil Dil Pakistan. This threw the charged-up crowd in a further frenzy that jpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

USF Lead ICT Program for Girls Launched in Islamabad

From the Blog propakistani The information and communication technology (ICT) initiative for girls empowerment organized by ministry of information technology in collaboration with Bait-ul-mal, Universal Services Fund and Microsoft launched here on Friday. Under the initiative USF and Bait-ul-Mal singed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to impart latest computer knowledge to girls across the country. Managing Director Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, Mr.... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Imran Doesn't Care About Pakistani Law

From the Blog pkhope When in England, Imran Khan with his sons and daughters would never even think about violating British law. But in this hapless land of Pakistan, the thuggery of Imran is at its peak. He violates and ridicules law of land on daily basis. It's the weakness of the government to be fair that they always just limit themselves to the statement-mongering. Police, Election commission of Pakistan, and courts are kind of scared of Imran Khan. Federal and provincial governments also look the other way. What's the reason. Perhaps the reason is backing of Imran Khan by the establishment and the media. Governments and non-military state organs know that if they arrest or apprehend Imran Khan, all heck would broke loose and media would do its best to portray Imran as hero. Establishment woupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2773051998954304161 Pakistani Blog Posts


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