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Lahore School Innovation Challenge

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Lahore School of Economics’ Entrepreneurial and Business Society (EBS) conducted the first external ‘Lahore School Innovation Challenge’ on 14 November, 2015. The Challenge included two competitions: Business Idea Competition (BIC) and Debating Competition. A level schools and universities from all over Pakistan were invited. Total of thirteen teams for BIC and four teams for the debating competition participated. Amna Zahra introduced the society and Hamza Tariq told about the society’s accomplishments. Aniqa Gohar shared the outlay of the events and competitions to the delegates and the judges and also showed a short video to the audience that comprised of pictures and clippings from last year’s events conducted by the society as well as the pictures of the current student pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8888335955336740712 Pakistani Blog Posts


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