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Game Review: SCP Containment Breach

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writes SCP Containment Breach is an indie game based on the SCP website. Before I tell you about the game, I'll tell you a bit about the background. What is SCP? SCP is basically an acronym that stands for *Special Containment Procedures*. The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization that works in the shadows, collecting anomalies that would otherwise horrify mankind into mass hysteria and possibly the end of the world. The Foundation's motto is simple: *Secure*. *Contain*. *Protect*. The very first SCP- the thing that started this whole fictional world is a man-made monster, termed as SCP-173. The objects that the Foundation contains are given serial numbers of three digits and are to be referred to their serial classification only. Apart from that, there are other classificatiopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7483193753009874295 Pakistani Blog Posts


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