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"ذمہ داری قبول کروں گا"، کیا اظہر علی نے شکست تسلیم کرلی؟

From the Blog cricnamaکیا پاکستان کے کپتان اظہر علی نے آخری اور فیصلہ کن مقابلے سے قبل ہی شکست تسلیم کرلی ہے؟ کیا انہوں نے نوشتہ دیوار پڑھ لیا ہے کہ انگلستان کے خلاف ہارنے کی صورت میں انہیں قیادت سے محروم کردیا جائے گا؟ اُن کے تازہ ترین بیانات تو یہی ظاہر کررہے ہیں ۔ کہتے ہیںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Ufone, Meezan Bank Launches Islamic Branchless Banking Service

From the Blog propakistani Ufone and Meezan Bank have formed a strategic partnership to launch Meezan-Upaisa, world's first Islamic branchless banking solution. With the launch of Meezan-UPaisa, customers across Pakistan would now, for the first time, be able to send and receive money, pay utility bills and do mobile top ups through Islamic banking. These services would be followed... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Zulfiqar Mirza Claims PPP Back

From the Blog pkhope So Zardari even managed to get PPP of Bhutto wiped out from one of the most hardcore areas of Badin in Sindh. Founder of PPP Zulfikar Ali Bhutto always used this Badin area as safe alternative to his home town Larkana to contest elections. He always won even without asking for vote or going there. He and his daughter must be turning violently in their graves. Or may be not. May be they would see a ray of hope in the the fact that official PPP controlled by Asif Zardari was trounced by the rebel Zulfiqar Mirza. May be this new Zulfiqar would save the party of Zulfiqar. Alarming fact for the Zardari PPP should be that even charm of Bilawal didn't work in Badin area as Dr Mirza group has won in 10 wards of the municipal committee of Badin out of the 14 wards where elections were pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8899048460279180372 Pakistani Blog Posts


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