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An Islamic Version of Consensus [Ijma]

From the Blog pakteahouse By Ahmad Kareem [image: Islamic consensus] Consensus [Ijma] is the last institution in the history of Islam and when the nation of Islam is in some local situation, in some domestic milieu or at national level encounters a big crisis or if a big question rises and savants of religion and savants of time are unable to solve it then it is transferred to community for some solution but how strange it is that the problem after taking back from savants is been given to common man. Isn’t it astonishing that you’re present, savants of time are present, savants of administration are present and some complication of community is presented to the vulgar in lieu of specialists and intellectuals? Now there is something important. What is the reason that many efforts are made before consenspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8623967069388662540 Pakistani Blog Posts


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