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Of Haunted Places

From the Blog odysseuslahori I have been asked if, in all my ramblings across the length and breadth of Pakistan and having spent nights in the unlikeliest of places, I have ever had a paranormal experience. Before I go any further, let me say this up front: I do not believe in ghosts and haunting. Having said that, I have to confess to three experiences that I have never been able to explain. In 1983, right after we married, Shabnam and I lived in the ground floor of 77-A, PECHS Block 6 near Chanesar Halt. About a year after moving in we began to be bothered by the front door latch suddenly going ‘clack’ as if someone had snapped it down and sharply released it. The landlord’s (who lived upstairs) two young boys were right demons and I always thought they did this mischief in walking past. I therefore tripakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Latest photographs of the Karakuram Highway which has now been opened for traffic

From the Blog pamirtimes[image: Karakuram Highway Gilgit (3)]The Karakuram Highway has been opened for traffic after hard work of the Frontier Works Organization (FWO), the National Highways Authority (NHA) and a Chinese company engaged in repair and maintenance of the Karakruam Highway between Thakote and Raikot. Photographs shared by Rehmat Karim who traveled on the KKH today and took these photographs of blockades […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Visibility in Payments

From the Blog faisalkhan In the world of money transfer, I am always trying to explain to startups what it would take have a better understanding on transactions data points for cross-border transfers, i.e. visibility in payments. As part of any compliance program, it is extremely important to grasp how much visibility a company has into its transaction. Furthermore, I’m also curious to know if this visibility (read: data points) are shared with *its* transaction partners like banks, processors, etc. If you’re curious to know what are these data-points, have a look at these data points that used in a cross-border money transfer transaction. So I devised my own way of classifying how much visibility an entity has into a transaction, and to make it easy, I reference them with “D” i.e. dimensions. Theypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 812515652372580676 Pakistani Blog Posts


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