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A Strong Woman – A Beautiful Woman!

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterflies Hello my Loves, Today’s post holds a lot of significance for me for two Primary Reasons: *1. I happen to have the privilege of doing a “guest post” on the Internationally Recognized “Jasmine Catches Butterflies”, owned by the very well known, to us all, Jadirah Sarmad.* *2. Allah has granted me a platform, out of the blue, to voice my opinion, on a subject of Supreme Significance to Women, belonging to any Class, Color, Creed, Race &/or Religion. Not to mention, that personally I do not believe in these man-made divisions.* Today, I will be talking about the fact, that intrinsically, the Creator has made a Woman much stronger than a man, only a lot many of us not realize it. Also, the much clichéd, *“nothing is as unbeatable as a woman aware of her strength”,* is a *Fact* nopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2789058070749164953 Pakistani Blog Posts


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