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Welcome to the North

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesIt's been such a long time since the last post about my travels and road trip, but here I am, with the next segment! At first I was going to title it "New York City, New York" but that would've been mildly misleading in the sense that we only spent 24 hours in New York and that I have literally no pictures of New York. No decent ones. At all. But anyway. We went to Washington DC and visited the National Museum of Natural History. I've been there before but it seems they keep changing it. Random other buildings that look super cool. Geology! Yay! A rainbow of minerals! Egyptian stuff! More Egyptian stuff! Camels! Kanra trying to be photographic! After visiting the museum, we went to Great Falls National Park (Virginia). There was a super long line at the park entrance and thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5008524569929607863 Pakistani Blog Posts


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