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Islah: explained further

From the Blog ashrafiya An intelligent question was put foward by a reader, Dear Sir, as salamu alaykum I’m a middle class working male. I’m married and have 3 beautiful children. My life revolves around my work and family. All praise is for Allah! I stay away from the major sins. I pray puntually, mostly in mosque with congregation (*jamah*). I recite Quran, Hadith and *Sunna* adhkar daily. Also, I often fast the Sunna fasting days. I attend a dars regarding *tazkia* weekly. Is this all not enough for my *islah*? Why do I need to consult a spiritual mentor (Shaykh)? Reply: Yes! For a spiritually healthy Muslim this is quite enough. However, for a spiritually ill Muslim specific interventions are required. For example, an individual can not keep his thoughts focused on the worship being done. Menpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3892323015777384975 Pakistani Blog Posts


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