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I would have lit a candle

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: GIRL] *Cast a look at your dwelling, while walking by,* *This habit will weaken also, little by little,* *Sentiments running like the lines in your hands,* *If they were footprints, they would be wiped away,* *The pathway I walked along once,* *Now feels strange to walk in the same street,* *If the heartless city had given me an option,* *I would have lit a candle,,* *Pieces of clouds were extended as seasons,* *Hanging in the sky, but getting closer,* *Every moment of his absence, causes more aching,* *he has taken away centuries, with him parting,* *The street leading to his home, is deceiving,* *And the path would have called me, if he had come there.* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

محمد آصف تنقید پر خاموش نہ رہ سکے

From the Blog cricnamaاسپاٹ فکسنگ کے نیتجے میں 5 سال کی پابندی بھگتنے والے محمد آصف خود پر ہونے والی تنقید پر مزید خاموشی اختیار نہ کرسکے اور کہہ اُٹھے کہ جو کھلاڑی اسپاٹ فکسنگ میں ملوث کھلاڑیوں کی ٹیم میں شمولیت پر اعتراض کررہے ہیں یا ہمارے ساتھ کھیلنے کے خواہشمند نہیں، پہلے وہ ہمیں یہ بتائیںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6936991054582446849 Pakistani Blog Posts


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