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5 Must-Read Sophie Kinsella Novels

From the Blog noorsplaceToday, I'm quite excited to have a guest poster. Jamal, who is a fellow member of our book club (remember, the book club party?) & an avid reader, he's sharing the best books from Sophie Kinsella. She is one of my most favorite authors. Her humor is FLAWLESS, literally. My personal favorite book from her is I've Got Your Number. In the long run of authors, I can hardly put down books from Hashim Nadeem, Paulo Coelho, Sophie Kinsella and Dan Brown. Let's see what Jamal has to share with us today. Sophie Kinsella is one of the most popular and most followed authors in the world today. Known for her novels which revolve around women and their lives, she, in a matter of a few years, managed to get a loyal audience who seem to love her books. A popular author of chick lit, Sophie Kinspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3186291374411018181 Pakistani Blog Posts


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