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August Favourites '15

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterflies [image: August Favourites '15] In July, I was so occupied with work that I hardly got time to enjoy anything including my makeup stash and food. However, this month, that by the way has passed too speedily, I got back in routine and made sure to try out new products while still loving some oldies. As a result, this is going to be a longer than usual favourites post, but I know a lot of you guys look forward to these so I hope you enjoy reading as much as I love writing these. *1. Nivea Daily Essentials Gentle Cleansing Wipes* Remember the time when I blogged about my Makeup Removing Arsenal and ranted about makeup wipes stating that baby wipes worked just as well if not better? Well, on my most recent superstore trip I decided to give them another chance and I was pleasantly pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2257432132383999106 Pakistani Blog Posts


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