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Medical Professionals and Profession in Pakistan Needs Serious Introspection

From the Blog hallopakistan*How many of us ready to take our family members to government hospitals or ready to be part of queue which will be seen by doctor in government hospitals? No matter what amount of money involved we take our dear ones to private hospitals or clinics of private doctors because we don't want to increase their misery. This is blunt truth we have to accept it. * *A week ago I took my father to an ENT specialist in Rawalpindi and he charged me 1000/- rupees for first appointment and for subsequent appointments he took 700/-. I don't know exactly how many patients he is seeing daily but not less than 50. He is also involved in surgeries on daily basis. But the most disgusting part he just gave my father and me literally 3 minutes to explain the condition and wrote medicine which is pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8714932426301472204 Pakistani Blog Posts


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