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Banking De-Risking: The Domino Effect Is Now In Full Force.

From the Blog faisalkhanBank De-Risking MSBs In my previous posts [Can’t find MSB Friendly Banks? Go ahead, scream. No one is listening -and- The Sandstorm that is blanketing the operations of money transfer companies] I discussed on how the whole paradigm shift that is happening in banking with respect to de-risking is sending ripples in the money transfer (remittance) industry. While at the end of the day, MSBs and Bitcoin startups do manage to get a hold of a bank to work with, the Damocles sword is ever hanging. At a moment’s notice, the MSBs/Bitcoin-Startups can be served with a notice that the bank will no longer be maintaining their account and they have 30 days to move out. I personally know of companies that now, as a matter of sad pride, have plastered all these rejection and account closinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Week in Review #30: Death to the Performance Review

From the Blog usmansheikh Nearly 5 years ago I started my business IDENTIFI. The goal was to build software that helped companies attract, recruit and retain their best people. In the earlier part of our journey we focused on the top end of the funnel, dealing with recruitment and employer branding. This is a space with lots of competition. Within the first year we started focusing more on helping employers retain their key employees. At a time when loyalty to employers is at record lows, every company is figuring out ways to keep their best people. One of our solutions that caught on with many employers was assistance with their performance review process. We would help them conduct these annual or bi-annual reviews and build development plans for their staff. We managed to close very large clients andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1325618629124626359 Pakistani Blog Posts


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