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Fellow Pakistanis we can never become Saudis or Iranians?

From the Blog hallopakistan*It is disgusting and frightening that Pakistanis seemed more loyal to other countries than Pakistan itself. I was actually part of debate between colleagues who are debating on the role of Saudi Arabia and Iran in recent middle eastern turmoil. The thing which makes me frightening that instead looking things from Pakistani lens they are looking it from Pro- Saudi & Pro-Iranian lens*. *They even justified the mistakes made by two giants of Middle East which resulted a full scale proxy wars from Syria to Iraq and from Lebanon to Yemen which also includes different parts of Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey as well.* *Pakistan also seeing side effects of these proxy wars on daily basis.* *For Muslim and Pakistani we respect and love Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1040157903487680569 Pakistani Blog Posts


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