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Maulana Tariq Jameel should maintain the distance from rulers and controversial people

From the Blog hallopakistan*Once Imam-e- Azam; Imam Abu Hanifa was passing through street where there was lot of mud which made the passage slippery. Imam became worried and suddenly a young boy appeared who asked Imam to stop for a while and I meantime he would find a save passage for him. He entered the muddy and slippery passage and explored a comparatively save exit for him. Imam followed and thanked the young man but asked him while rescuing him he might also slipped. " If I slip then people will say a young boy slip but if you slip then people may say Oh; My God Imam slipped". The moral of story when you are at important position then you must look the things with lot of caution and care. * *The same Imam Abu Hanifa when was offered the post equivalent to today's Chief Justice by then Caliph; hepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2617976290702272934 Pakistani Blog Posts


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