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Nilofer’s Corner: Interview with Seemi Ezdi Candidate for Islamabad Local Bodies UC 42 Election 2015 area f/10: 2,3,4 PTI

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Nilofer Qazi* [image: Seemi Ezdi] With the local bodies elections planned in Islamabad I thought it would enlightening to speak to a candidate before the elections and ask her a few questions on my mind. Since there is little information available thus far why not ask the candidates themselves. I hope to be able to ask similar questions from other candidates vying for seats in Islamabad. Today I ask Seemi Ezdi a woman standing for chairman of UC 42 which is sector f/10 in Islamabad what are some of her views: 1. * Question:* how many sections is Islamabad been divided into for the local bodies election? *Ans: * Islamabad has been divided into 79 Union Councils 1. * Question:* who & how did they choose areas divisions ? *Ans:* They divided the areas accordinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5355970487968043066 Pakistani Blog Posts


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