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Pakistan needs MEDIA TRUSTS rather MEDIA TYCOONS

From the Blog hallopakistan*If you asked any Pakistani who about are the most powerful people in Pakistan; you get variety of answers which includes Generals, Judges, Politicians, Mullahs, Business Tycoons, Feudal Lords etc. Very rarely people tell you that media houses owners who within no time can make anyone hero or villain. They not only own media empires but also other businesses which nobody can touch due to their clout. They are simply untouchables as they set agenda. They have brigades of journalists and political analyst at disposal which can shape the people opinion about government performance and other socio-political issues. Even if they unable to shape opinion they at least confuse the audience on any issue. * *I belong to generation when there was only PTV in market to get latest updates. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1016797096755551454 Pakistani Blog Posts


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