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Apple Google and Smartphones

From the Blog newssmartphones: Industry giants like Ford and Toyota are considering cooperating on systems to integrate smartphones into future models, according to a Bloomberg report, something which would bring them into competition with Apple Carplay and Google Android Auto, according to Business Recorder. Carplay and Android Auto came out more than a year ago and are now gradually finding their way into newpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog ashrafiya In the last ten days of Ramadan Darul Uloom becomes a *khanqah*. Seekers from abroad and different cities of Pakistan come to stay and be in the company of their spiritual mentors. The environment is spiritually charged. Addressing the seekers gathered in his office *sayyidi wa sanadi *Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) instructed, ‘Each of you staying here should write the details of your daily routine ( *ma’moolat*) and give it to me after *taraweeh* salah. I will review it (make necessary changes as needed) and return it back after fajr salah.’ Office, Darul Uloom Karachi, 23 Ramadan 1436/ 11 July 2015 In reply to an old seeker *sayyidi* wrote, *‘Alhamdulillah* all *mamoolat* are good May Allah accept all. Taqi’ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8165315620407758175 Pakistani Blog Posts


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