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My Battle Through Laziness

From the Blog greatlyrandom[image: Cat sleeping on Couch]I love my couch too!I know it's been long (almost ages) since I last blogged, but I am finally done with all my high school exams and will now be blogging frequently. My exams ended like a month ago and I thought I wouldn't do ANYTHING and just chill out. Before even a week could pass with this newfound resolution, I was dreading to do something. Actually, my emotional state was quite funny at that time. I wanted to do something but at the same time, I didn't want to do anything. You could call it extreme laziness. I even grew tired of being a couch potatoe! Sure, I watched a lot of animes and movies and TV and all that, but then I started feeling like "*Come on! Another movie?? Do they ever end??*" I actually wanted all the movies in the world to enpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7865735113709310848 Pakistani Blog Posts


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