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Ghassoul Clay mask review !

From the Blog lubbyz *Hello lovely readers !* *For the past month I've been trying and testing out Zakia's Moroccan Ghassoul Clay Powder for skin and hair. I have been so obsessed with trying to put as much natural products on my skin and hair as possible. Using a lot of chemicals and harsh ingredients really has done a number on my skin and hair. Keep reading to find out more about this amazing mask !* *Ghassoul clay powder comes from deep within Atlas mountains in Morocco. This clay is formed naturally from volcanic and thermal activities. The clay is actually extracted in large chunks but through a special process it is turned into a fine powder like form. There are many minerals that are found in Ghassoul clay which help absorb impurities from skin. In order to make a mask you just simply needpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog hallopakistan*It's shame that a country of 180 million people with more that 70 million middle class and 7-8 million diaspora spreading across continents has no film industry. This country is Pakistan who has every potential to be big market for films. Pakistan has exceptionally good actors, writers, musicians, singers who proved their worth in recent times while working for Bollywood. * *Why Pakistan not become hub of films? Finance and market is not issue as nation we love to invest in any project and though we not pay our taxes but we have many billionaires in every city. Number of cinemagoers is again not issue because we love movies, music and spend time with each other. * *The issue is only absence of initiative and government support which since inception not realized that you can'tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6896431811410583614 Pakistani Blog Posts


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