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PTCL Offer High Speed Internet at Amazing New Prices

From the Blog smartchoice To compete with new entrants in market offering broadband services and more specifically Fiber internet providers, PTCL has significantly reduced prices of high-speed internet services and introduced new packages at amazing new prices. Considering how PTCL did not offer true Fiber-to-Home service (absence of GPON device), this is a significant development and makes extremely fast internet affordable for masses. What is significant is the there is no download limit or download cap, customers will be upgraded from capped packages to unlimited and depending upon budget customers can experience speed up to 100 Mbps. IPTV is free with these packages (no monthly charges). Following are the details of these new packages: *Broadband Bundle Packages* *MRC (Rs.) (Prorated)* *Volumpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2193226109823631789 Pakistani Blog Posts


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