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Baby Announcements and Facebook

From the Blog newsbirthdays: It is my go-to social networking platform in terms of keeping up with birthdays, promotions, baby announcements, deaths and politics, according to Express Tribune. I love looking at and sharing my friends’ and family happy moments, their children, the food they cook, the trips they take, their pets, their new homes, and milestones – I love all of it. FREEVECTOR I love Facebook. Whypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

...Of Sabeen Mahmud - A Personal Reminiscence

From the Blog lalioutloudBad news has a habit of locating me in the remotest of locations. I was in a tent in the middle of the Cholistan desert when, despite practically nonexistent mobile coverage, I received a text from a friend telling me that Sabeen Mahmud had been fatally shot. In a mix of panic and increasing despair, I texted back for a confirmation which, with the dogged inevitability that is the hallmark of horror, arrived soon enough. That was two nights ago. I spent the next twenty-four hours in a jittery, shell-shocked state. Last night when I returned to civilization I had managed to calm down a bit. But as if on cue, my phone started filling up with messages of condolence, tribute and sheer numb despair; and my composure crumbled again. After two sleepless nights, I've finally convinced mpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6059445055196300545 Pakistani Blog Posts


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