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New Promises in E-Banking 2015

From the Blog smartchoice E-Banking 2015 Conference was held on 23rd April at PC Hotel Karachi, organized by Total Communications and sponsored by known local and foreign organizations specializing in e-banking technologies. The conference began on time and the speaker panel consisting of senior management professionals of banking and IT companies along with Deputy Governor of State Bank of Pakistan spoke on the occasion. The event saw the soft launch of Covalent, a joint venture between TPS and Access Group, where Access Group using its Managed Services skills and TPS its award winning e-banking solutions now offer outsourcing services to entities of banking industry. 1Link’s CEO *Faisal Ejaz Khan* shared plans for this year: [image: Faisal Ejaz Khan]“1Link will be launching 3 services in hopefully tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5439275606439155286 Pakistani Blog Posts


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