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Apple and Galaxy

From the Blog newsedge model: That more expensive than any Galaxy S model and iPhone analysed by the U.S. research company, according to The Nation. For the price of producing 100 sets of this S6 edge model, Apple can make 121 sets of 64-GB iPhone 6 Plus, calculations by Reuters show. The 64-gigabyte model of the Galaxy S6 edge costs $290.45 to make, according to IHS Technology. In 2010, when Samsung launchedpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Spring Cleaning

From the Blog iabhopal March 19 marks two gloomy anniversaries: the 12th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq and the 5th anniversary of the Nato intervention in Libya. Both overthrew Arab dictators; both left the local people in such horrific straits that many of them look back with nostalgia to the days of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi. I was in Iraq with a dozen of my CODEPINK colleagues a month before the US invasion in 2003. While we found a country wracked by 13 years of draconian Western sanctions and a people scared to openly criticize Saddam Hussein, we also found a middle class country with an extremely well-educated population where women made up the majority of university students and participated in all aspects of public life. I’ll never forget my first conversation with an Iraqipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Please, not Sabeen. And no, that won’t shut us up.

From the Blog beenasarwar [image: Sabeen]In shock and grieved beyond words at this horrible news that our dear friend and comrade Sabeen Mahmud has been shot dead, her mother in critical condition in hospital. They were returning from the event Unsilencing Balochistan (Take 2) held at The Second Floor (T2F) [NOTE: the facebook event link posted above has mysteriously disappeared; however information is still available at the T2F site]. It was tremendously brave of Sabeen to allow the event to be hosted there given that Balochistan is essentially a ‘no go’ area. Even as we grieve our friend we refuse to be silenced. “She always spoke out. We must honour her legacy of speaking out,” said Mohammad Jibran Nasir when I spoke to him just now. “We will not let Balochistan be a no-go area”. “They want to makepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7536811657519006997 Pakistani Blog Posts


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