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Pocket Landline launched by PTCL

From the Blog smartchoice Have you ever run out of credit on your mobile? Do you often have mobile network coverage issues? Are you a small business and miss calls on your landline because you are usually on the above? Now you dont have to. PTCL has embarked upon yet another stride to take its quality service to another level by coming up with its new Smartphone application by the name of Smartlink. Smartlink is an android application especially designed to guarantee its customers convenience of having access to PTCL landline numbers through a mobile phone application. This application enables its users to receive landline calls on their mobiles that are connected to Wi-Fi. Although this was the main purpose of the application, but there is more to it- With this amazing application you can also send opakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

باقی سب افسانے ہیں

From the Blog omer-urduیہ تیسرے برس کی بات ہے۔ جامعہ کی رنگ برنگی دنیا میں ایک عرصہ بیتا چکے تو وہ مرحلہ آن پیش ہوا کہ تقریباً اتنے ہی سال یہاں مزید گزر بسر کرنا طے ہے۔ ہاسٹل کے بدمزہ کھانے، پانچ سات روپے کی سستی کڑک چائے، کھڑ کھڑ کرتی بسیں، بھدی عمارتیں اور ایک ہی ہئیت اور ذہنیت کے معتبر استاد۔ یوں، اکتاہٹ آن گھیرتی ہے۔ مگر ٹھہریے، ان حالات میں معدودے چند ہیں جن سے بہرحال کبھی جی نہیں بھرتا۔ یہ آپ کے جامعہ میں ہمpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Campus to Corporate Mentorship Workshop

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics The Management Society of the Lahore School invited Mr. Faisal Akber Awan to talk to the students about their transition from campus to corporate sector on March 4, 2015. A large number of students both MBA and undergraduates welcomed the guest and listened to him with attention. Faisal Akber is a renowned corporate trainer and OD consultant. He facilitated this workshop for about two hours. He began the workshop by asking the audience to pen down their definition of success. Faisal Akber then showed a short video by the famous YouTube sensation "Did you know?" This video demonstrated important facts about the gradual effect of technology on the advancement of human knowledge. Later in discussion, he highlighted how these developments are reshaping professional challengpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8816850525100977378 Pakistani Blog Posts


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