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From the Blog cropsinpotsLoading...pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

India Rising? Pakistan Rapidly Collapsing?

From the Blog riazhaqIs it true that "India is rising and Pakistan is rapidly collapsing", the currently accepted western narrative recently re-iterated by Roger Cohen in his New York Times Op Ed from Lahore, Pakistan? Let's examine it by reviewing reports filed by several Indian journalists after their recent visits to Pakistan: *"India is a democracy and a great power rising. Pakistan is a Muslim homeland that lost half its territory in 1971, bounced back and forth between military and nominally democratic rule, never quite clear of annihilation angst despite its nuclear weapons".* Roger Cohen's New York Times Op Ed "Pakistan in Its Labyrinth" *"I.. saw much in this recent visit (to Pakistan) that did not conform to the main Western narrative for South Asia -- one in which India is steadily risipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3247199181157734373 Pakistani Blog Posts


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