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Mud that Bubbles

From the Blog odysseuslahori*(This journey was undertaken in August 2002. This two-part story appeared in September that year in The News on Sunday) * ‘May there be peace between India and Pakistan,’ Marvin intoned solemnly as he finished building his little cairn. ‘Forever,’ he added as an afterthought. ‘Amen!’ I said under my breath. From the lip of the dead crater looking out to the tall active mud volcano. The third is just visible on the horizon to the right of the high cone We were standing where the cone of the mud volcano began to rise above the featureless sandy plain and it was only on our way back from the top that Marvin had noticed the hundreds of little cairns sprinkled all around. We did not know what the cairns meant, nor did I remember reading anywhere about a cairn-building ritual connecpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 753832086675202653 Pakistani Blog Posts


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