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From the Blog shahzebnajam *next door the lovemaking subsides stars fall from other worlds — anonymous * There was the time I found that old laptop in the attic and I asked and I asked but no one knew where it came from. It was dusty and slow — Windows 95 and all that — and inside were stories written by a sixteen-year-old girl called Elizabeth. The stories were about heartache. The stories were about young love. The stories were about moving to New York and being an artist and living in a small apartment that looks over Central Park, watching the sun set on another day and you; you that much closer to the truth. It was the sort of stuff young girls called Elizabeth write about. They were not particularly well written. They weren’t Hemingway. They weren’t Márquez. They certainly weren’t Jack Gilberpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3315813020919935840 Pakistani Blog Posts


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