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Donuts Can't Cure This.

From the Blog maryamrezaThere are very few things that you can never get over. The death of a loved one. The loss of hope. The fading of faith. Time doesn't actually cure anything. It just covers up the aching, open wounds so that they aren't so exposed anymore. They're still there. They don't go away or heal. They hide and fester until you just give up. You're not supposed to give up. But sometimes, maybe there isn't any other choice available. I don't know. I truly hope none of you ever, ever go through any of what I wrote above. I'd never wish those things upon my worst enemy. Stay safe, stay hopeful, trust that things will get better. I hope they do for you. P.S. I hate doughnuts. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3154885177692733343 Pakistani Blog Posts


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