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Paris – Acounter Narrative

From the Blog iabhopal The display of collective grief at the Paris murders on January 7 of the personnel of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is understandable. But there is also a degree of hypocrisy in this narrative. Apparently, some victims of violence are more equal than others. Specifically the bodies of Muslims are considered less worthy compared to the French. France has been supporting death in many Muslim countries including Syria, where the number of deaths far exceeds, on a daily basis, the twelve killed in Paris. The narrative fails to understand that effects have causes and that freedoms need to be asserted empathetically. The Paris incident has brought to the fore very familiar narratives about Islam, Muslims, the west and secular liberalism; and especially the incompatibilpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7896146706032071402 Pakistani Blog Posts


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