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GHOST vuln and Digital Ocean

From the Blog ayaz Yesterday, right after I had the displeasure of dragging myself into work with a head attached to my body that hurt oh so much, I found out to my slight dismay about the GHOST vulnerability (and of course of the ops teams working to patch the servers). I scrambled to find out what in the world it was all about. This Qualys Security Advisory has a very scary rundown of the bug. I have a Debian machine, in the cloud, with DigitalOcean, that I use for running all sorts of crazy things. I patched the box up, though there sure was a long list of updates. The thing you come to hate about Windows, if you use it, is that every update, security or feature-wise, to the OS requires a complete reboot, even on servers. Contrarily, it’s the thing you love about Linux, if you use it. But thipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5363831408248033378 Pakistani Blog Posts


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