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فاصلہ پر رہو

From the Blog seems77 ~~~ فاصلہ پر رہو ~~~ سڑک پر بیک وقت بہت سی سواریاں دوڑتی ہیں آگے سے , پیچھے سے , دائیں سے , بائیں سے...اس لیے سڑک کو محفوظ حالت میں باقی رکھنے کے لیے بہت سے قاعدے بنائے گئے ہیں...سڑک کے قاعدے سڑک کے کنارے ہر جگہ لکھے ہوئے ہوتے ہیں تاکہ لوگ انہیں پڑہیں اور ان کی رہنمائی میں اپنا سفر طے کریں... دہلی کی سڑک سے گزرتے ہوئے اسی قسم کا ایک قاعدہ بورڈ پر لکھا ہوا نظر سے گزرا اس کے الفاظ تھے ... فاصلہ برقرار رکھو keep distance ..! میں نے اس کو پڑھا تو سوچا کہ ان دو لفظوں میں نہایت دانائی کی بات کہی گئی ہے... یہ ایک مکمل حکمت ہے جس کا تعلق سڑک کے سفر سے بھی ہے اور زندگی کے عام سفر سے بھی... موجودہ دنیا میں کوئی آدمی اکیلا نہیں ہے..ہر آدمی کو بہت سے انسانوں کے درمیان رہ کر اپنا کام کرنا پڑتا ہے..ہر آدمی کے سامنے اس کا ذاتی انٹرسٹ ہے ہر آدمی اپنے اندر ایک انا لیے ہوئے ہے..ہر آدمی دوسرےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Sisterhood of the World tag

From the Blog noorsplace Hanging out in college Thanks Lilly for nominating for a fun tag that's Sisterhood of the World. It's been a while since I did a tag post, which I suppose I loved to do back in time. So hurrah! *1) What have you always wanted? Did you ever get it, or are you still wishing?* I have always got whatever I wanted. No matter if that's something tangible or moral support. Perhaps it sounds cliche but that's what I concluded from my life experiences. What I haven't got is something I will be getting, I believe you get what you ask for. So I ask for whatever I want and wait patiently, in the end, it becomes mine. *2) If you could be any age for a week, what age would you be?* I want to see myself in my late twenties. To see if I've achieved everything I was supposed to achieve. If notpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Himalaya Herbals Walnut Scrub | Review

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Himalaya Herbals Walnut Scrub Review] I bought Himalaya Herbals *Gentle Exfoliating* Walnut Scrub only because my local supermarket did not have either Freeman or St.Ives in stock at that time. Even though, I have always heard positive things about this brand, I don't seem to recall trying anything from their range before. So this was probably my first time and more of a temporary replacement as I needed to get a scrub urgently. The tube itself seemed good quality and easy to dispense product out of. If you know me, you are aware that I often refer to my skin as that of a reptile and that is one reason why I always tend to be happier with harsh, abrasive scrubs. As bad as it may sound, that has always worked for me. This, Himalaya scrub, on the other hand, is very creamypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8231509833134236269 Pakistani Blog Posts


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