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Lessons Learnt From Losing (and loving) a Pet

From the Blog khadijasayshi I was going to say 'best friend' instead of pet in the title of this post, but I think that goes without saying. Anybody who has ever owned a pet knows what I'm talking about. They're so much more than just a best friend. They become a part of your family, a proper member, mind you. Before you know it, they've got a permanent place in your heart, and, this may sound creepy, but I swear there's a soul-to-soul connection going on somewhere. They've got you bewitched mind, body and soul, havent they? So I'm not sure 'best friend' is the most appropriate choice of words, or that it does our pets justice. Maybe we should start calling them soul mates instead... On the 13th of January, I lost my soul of them at least. Caramel, born on the (≈) 17th of February was my six ypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6517146408609822631 Pakistani Blog Posts


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