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Spanish Pizza

From the Blog bakerscanvas I have been neglecting blogging with work. Now that I have completed almost five years at my workplace, I am one of the senior staff who are consulted in various decision making. While it is an honor, sometimes it does become taxing and stressful. Hence, I prefer to relax and play some Candy Crush when I come home. On a side note, as I write this, I am stuck at 678th level, where have you reached in this simple yet strategic game? I bought some new cookbooks from Karachi International Book Fair 2014. These books are really pretty and most of the stuff can be easily made, or adapted slightly (like omitting the alcohol factor or changing the non halal meat to halal meat options for Muslims). A photo posted by Tooba Zaheer (@tooba_zaheer) I made this Spanish pizza from the book pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3225730355552582847 Pakistani Blog Posts


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