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The Week in Review #3

From the Blog usmansheikh It has been a busy week. I am amazed at the amount of great information that is churned out every single week. Having an index to look back on it all is going to be really useful in the future! The Illusion of Product/Market Fit for SaaS Companies Brad Feld is another great VC to be following and reading for all entrepreneurs. This post is an interesting break down on the “Product/Market Fit” term. Investing in the Enterprise in 2015 As an entrepreneur who works in the enterprise software vertical, it is always interesting to read about the latest trends. This post gives a great run down on the different aspect of the enterprise for individuals exploring this vertical. 10,000 Hours with Reid Hoffman: What I Learned Absolutely fantastic read on life lessons learned from Reidpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5273481310603583855 Pakistani Blog Posts


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