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Bits From My Week

From the Blog noorsplaceHello everyone, I am taking a day off from college and plan on nothing else but a relaxed day including a bit of homework (business math and principle of commerce duhh) and some creative work. This week has been so exciting. I am glad to be back in student form again, getting ready for final examinations that are supposed to be in the end of April and try to get the shiz together. Well, that's not an easy task altogether. I am sharing the most exciting bits from my week today. This kind of bright and happy posts really make me happy to write especially when they have something to do with pretty photos, teehee! I got a new iPod touch 5, since my last one was stolen. If you don't know the sad story, you should go and read it. I love it already and my iPodography spirit is back in pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8244237340178134420 Pakistani Blog Posts


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