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The Happy Challenge

From the Blog khadijasayshi HELLO 2015! I literally have just two minutes on the clock to write this, otherwise it becomes Day 2 :P So lemme just say this. I am challenging myself to a...challenge. *THE CHALLENGE: *Be nice to everyone. Be rude to no one. Think bad of no one. Positive thoughts ONLY. Pray as much as I can. *THE DURATION: *A week, for now. But then I'll just keep on extending it, till December if I can :P *THE RULES: *Pretty self-explanatory. No negative thoughts. OF ANY KIND. AT ANY TIME. Be positive. And positively radiant. lelz. Okay so I'mma run (cause its 12:02 now, so Day 2 but whatevaa). I will keep you posted. Promise. Hope this year is a lovely one for all you people. Stay safe, stay rad, stay happy! xxx Khadija. (Image Source: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

نیا سال 2015

From the Blog seems77 نہ کوئی رنج کا لمحہ کسی کے پاس آئے خدا کرے کہ نیا سال سب کو راس آئے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Holla New Year (+ a link up)

From the Blog noorsplace Here we are , all set and great in 2015 already. I hope y'all had a great NYE and so many plans/resolutions for new year, which you'd actually complete. My NYE went pretty typical ; all curled in up comforter, watching a movie. Mainly because we had it celebrated a day before. On 30th. Yeah I know it's pretty unusual but where I wanted to have it celebrated, at the sea side, it could be S O crowded on NYE. So we went a day earlier. To celebrate some old victories and new beginning *insert an almost emotional emoji here* So my night before NYE, or whatever I could call it, though legitimately NBNYE (hah! that sounds funny) was dedicated to family time. I can never grow out of being a family person. No matter how many years will pass by. Karachi is frepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Twenty Fourteen Milestone Timeline

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterflies Twenty Fourteen has been an amazing year filled with love, support and rewards. I feel humbled and grateful for everything that I have been blessed with this year. I was planning to do an end of 2014 post, but I didn't want to do the usual yearly favourites or stuff that you are already seeing in your feeds. Therefore, I decided to a Milestone Timeline to keep track of all that I have achieved this year. I know it's impossible to fit it all in one post but here are the major highlights. :) I got this idea thinking about a milestone timeline I had made of my mum back in eighth grade. *January:* My First Facebook Giveaway! // First Launch Event that I got invited to that too by a brand like Maybelline about which I felt over the moon. Later on I had my face in print for the fipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2170041044702809755 Pakistani Blog Posts


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